Vis.js comes with a flexible DataSet, which can be used to hold and manipulate unstructured data and listen for changes in the data. The DataSet is key/value based. Data items can be added, updated and removed from the DataSet, and one can subscribe to changes in the DataSet. The data in the DataSet can be filtered and ordered, and fields (like dates) can be converted to a specific type. Data can be normalized when appending it to the DataSet as well.
The following example shows how to use a DataSet.
// create a DataSet
var options = {};
var data = new vis.DataSet(options);
// add items
// note that the data items can contain different properties and data formats
{id: 1, text: 'item 1', date: new Date(2013, 6, 20), group: 1, first: true},
{id: 2, text: 'item 2', date: '2013-06-23', group: 2},
{id: 3, text: 'item 3', date: '2013-06-25', group: 2},
{id: 4, text: 'item 4'}
// subscribe to any change in the DataSet
data.on('*', function (event, properties, senderId) {
console.log('event', event, properties);
// update an existing item
data.updateOnly({id: 2, group: 1});
// remove an item
// get all ids
var ids = data.getIds();
console.log('ids', ids);
// get a specific item
var item1 = data.get(1);
console.log('item1', item1);
// retrieve a filtered subset of the data
var items = data.get({
filter: function (item) {
return == 1;
console.log('filtered items', items);
// retrieve formatted items
var items = data.get({
fields: ['id', 'date'],
type: {
date: 'ISODate'
console.log('formatted items', items);
A DataSet can be constructed as:
var data = new vis.DataSet([data] [, options])
After construction, data can be added to the DataSet using the methods
and updateOnly
, as described in section
Data Manipulation.
The parameter data
is optional and is an Array with items.
The parameter options
is optional and is an object which
can contain the following properties:
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
fieldId | String | "id" |
The name of the field containing the id of the items. When data is
fetched from a server which uses some specific field to identify
items, this field name can be specified in the DataSet using the
option fieldId . For example
uses the field "_id" to identify documents.
type | Object.<String, String> | none |
Deprecated: will be removed in the future.
An object containing field names as key, and data types as value. By default, the type of the properties of items are left unchanged. Item properties can be normalized by specifying a field type. This is useful for example to automatically convert stringified dates coming from a server into JavaScript Date objects. The available data types are listed in section Data Types. |
queue | Object | boolean | none |
Queue data changes ('add', 'update', 'remove') and flush them at
once. The queue can be flushed manually by calling
DataSet.flush() , or can be flushed after a configured
delay or maximum number of entries.
When queue is true, a queue is created with default
options. Options can be specified by providing an object:
DataSet contains the following methods.
Method | Return Type | Description |
add(data [, senderId]) | Id[] |
Add one or multiple items to the DataSet. data can be a
single item or an array with items. Adding an item will fail when
there already is an item with the same id. The function returns an
array with the ids of the added items. See section
Data Manipulation.
clear([senderId]) | Id[] | Clear all data from the DataSet. The function returns an array with the ids of the removed items. |
distinct(field) | Array | Find all distinct values of a specified field. Returns an unordered array containing all distinct values. If data items do not contain the specified field are ignored. |
flush() | none |
Flush queued changes. Only available when the DataSet is configured
with the option queue , see section
forEach(callback [, options]) | none | Execute a callback function for every item in the dataset. The available options are described in section Data Selection. |
get([options] [, data]) get(id [,options] [, data]) get(ids [, options] [, data]) |
Object | Array |
Get a single item, multiple items, or all items from the DataSet.
Usage examples can be found in section
Getting Data. The available
options are described in section
Data Selection. When a single id is
requested and not found null is returned. When multiple
ids are requested and not found an Array containing
null s is returned.
getDataSet() | DataSet | Get the DataSet itself. In case of a DataView, this function does not return the DataSet to which the DataView is connected. |
getIds([options]) | Id[] |
Get ids of all items or of a filtered set of items. Available
options are described in section
Data Selection, except that options
fields and type are not applicable in case
of getIds .
map(callback [, options]) | Array | Map every item in the DataSet. The available options are described in section Data Selection. |
max(field) | Object | null |
Find the item with maximum numeric value of specified field. Returns
null if no item is found, or if none of the found items
has a numeric value.
min(field) | Object | null |
Find the item with minimum numeric value of specified field. Returns
null if no item is found, or if none of the found items
has a numeric value.
off(event, callback) | none | Unsubscribe from an event, remove an event listener. See section Subscriptions. |
on(event, callback) | none | Subscribe to an event, add an event listener. See section Subscriptions. |
remove(id [, senderId]) remove(ids [, senderId]) |
Id[] | Remove one or multiple items by id or by the items themselves. Returns an array with the ids of the removed items. See section Data Manipulation. |
setOptions(options) | none |
Set options for the DataSet. Available options:
update(data [, senderId]) | Id[] |
Update one or multiple existing items. data can be a
single item or an array with items. When an item doesn't exist, it
will be created. Returns an array with the ids of the removed items.
See section Data Manipulation.
updateOnly(data [, senderId]) | Id[] |
Update one or multiple existing items. data can be a
single item or an array of items. When an item doesn't exist, an
exception is thrown. Returns an array with the ids of the updated
items. See section
Data Manipulation.
DataSet contains the following properties.
Property | Type | Description |
length | Number | The number of items in the DataSet. |
One can subscribe on changes in a DataSet. A subscription can be created
using the method on
, and removed with off
// create a DataSet
var data = new vis.DataSet();
// subscribe to any change in the DataSet
data.on('*', function (event, properties, senderId) {
console.log('event:', event, 'properties:', properties, 'senderId:', senderId);
// triggers an 'add' event
data.add({ id: 1, text: "item 1 (new)" });
// triggers an 'update' event
data.updateOnly({ id: 1, text: "item 1 (updated)" });
// triggers an 'update' event
data.update({ id: 1, text: "item 1 (updated again)" });
// triggers an 'add' event
data.update({ id: 2, text: "item 2 (new)" });
// triggers 'add' and 'update' events
{ id: 1, text: "item 1 (updated once more)" },
{ id: 3, text: "item 3 (new)" }
// triggers an 'remove' event
Subscribe to an event.
Syntax:DataSet.on(event, callback)Where:
is a String containing any of the events listed in
section Events.
is a callback function which will be called each
time the event occurs. The callback function is described in section
Unsubscribe from an event., callback)Where
and callback
correspond with the
parameters used to subscribe to the event.
The following events are available for subscription:
Event | Description |
add |
The add event is triggered when an item or a set of
items is added, or when an item is updated while not yet existing.
update |
The update event is triggered when an existing item or
a set of existing items is updated.
remove |
The remove event is triggered when an item or a set of
items is removed.
* |
The * event is triggered when any of the events
add , update , and remove
The callback functions of subscribers are called with the following parameters:
function (event, properties, senderId) {
// handle the event
where the parameters are defined as
Parameter | Type | Description |
event | String |
Any of the available events: add , update ,
or remove .
properties | Object | null |
Optional properties providing more information on the event. In case
of the events add , update , and
remove , properties is always an object
containing a property items , which contains an array
with the ids of the affected items. The update and
remove events have an extra field
oldData containing the original data of the items in
the dataset before the items were updated or removed. The
update event also contains a field
data containing the changes: the properties of the
items that are being updated.
senderId | String | Number |
An senderId, optionally provided by the application code which
triggered the event. If senderId is not provided, the argument will
be null .
The data in a DataSet can be manipulated using the methods
, updateOnly
, update
, and remove
. The DataSet can be emptied using the method
// create a DataSet
var data = new vis.DataSet();
// add items
{id: 1, text: 'item 1'},
{id: 2, text: 'item 2'},
{id: 3, text: 'item 3'}
// update an item
data.updateOnly({id: 2, text: 'item 2 (updated)'});
// remove an item
Add a data item or an array with items.
Syntax:var addedIds = DataSet.add(data [, senderId])The argument
can contain:
containing a single item to be added. The item
must contain an id.
containing a list with items to be added. Each
item must contain an id.
After the items are added to the DataSet, the DataSet will trigger an
event add
. When a senderId
is provided, this id will be passed with the triggered event to all
The method will throw an Error when an item with the same id as any of the added items already exists.
Update a data item or an array with items.
Syntax:var updatedIds = DataSet.updateOnly(data [, senderId])The argument
can contain:
containing a single item to be updated. The
item must contain an id.
containing a list with items to be updated. Each
item must contain an id.
The provided properties will be deeply merged in the existing item. When
an item does not exist, an exception will be thrown. It is also possible
to delete properties by assigning them the DELETE
After the items are updated, the DataSet will trigger
event. When a senderId
is provided,
this id will be passed with the triggered event to all subscribers.
Update a data item or an array with items, creating items that don't exist yet.
Syntax:var updatedIds = DataSet.update(data [, senderId])The argument
can contain:
containing a single item to be updated. The
item must contain an id.
containing a list with items to be updated. Each
item must contain an id.
The provided properties will be shallowly merged in the existing item. It's not possible to remove properties through this method. When an item does not exist, it will be created.
After the items are updated, the DataSet will trigger an event
for the added items, and an event update
When a senderId
is provided, this id will be passed with the triggered event to all
Warning for TypeScript users: This is a hole in type checking as it can add partial items into the DataSet.
Remove a data item or an array with items.
Syntax:var removedIds = DataSet.remove(id [, senderId])
The argument id
can be:
or String
containing the id of a
single item to be removed.
containing the item to be deleted. The item
will be deleted by its id.
The method ignores removal of non-existing items, and returns an array containing the ids of the items which are actually removed from the DataSet.
After the items are removed, the DataSet will trigger an event
for the removed items. When a
is provided, this id will be passed with the
triggered event to all subscribers.
Clear the complete DataSet.
Syntax:var removedIds = DataSet.clear([senderId])
After the items are removed, the DataSet will trigger an event
for all removed items. When a
is provided, this id will be passed with the
triggered event to all subscribers.
The DataSet contains functionality to format, filter, and sort data
retrieved via the methods get
, getIds
, and map
. These methods have the
following syntax:
DataSet.get([id] [, options]);
DataSet.forEach(callback [, options]); [, options]);
Where options
is an Object which can have the following
Name | Type | Required | Description |
fields | String[ ] | Object.<String, String> | no |
An array with field names, or an object with current field name and
new field name that the field is returned as. By default, all
properties of the items are emitted. When fields is
defined, only the properties whose name is specified in
fields will be included in the returned items.
type | Object.<String, String> | no | An object containing field names as key, and data types as value. By default, the type of the properties of an item are left unchanged. When a field type is specified, this field in the items will be converted to the specified type. This can be used for example to convert ISO strings containing a date to a JavaScript Date object, or convert strings to numbers or vice versa. The available data types are listed in section Data Types. |
filter | Function | no | Items can be filtered on specific properties by providing a filter function. A filter function is executed for each of the items in the DataSet, and is called with the item as parameter. The function must return a boolean. All items for which the filter function returns true will be emitted. See section Data Filtering. |
order | String | Function | no | Order the items by a field name or custom sort function. |
returnType | String | no |
Determine the type of output of the get function. Allowed values are
'Array' | 'Object' . The default returnType is an Array.
The Object type will return a JSON object with the ID's as keys.
The following example demonstrates formatting properties and filtering properties from items.
// create a DataSet
var data = new vis.DataSet();
{id: 1, text: 'item 1', date: '2013-06-20', group: 1, first: true},
{id: 2, text: 'item 2', date: '2013-06-23', group: 2},
{id: 3, text: 'item 3', date: '2013-06-25', group: 2},
{id: 4, text: 'item 4'}
// retrieve formatted items
var items = data.get({
fields: ['id', 'date', 'group'], // output the specified fields only
type: {
date: 'Date', // convert the date fields to Date objects
group: 'String' // convert the group fields to Strings
Data can be retrieved from the DataSet using the method
. This method can return a single item or a list with
A single item can be retrieved by its id:
var item1 = dataset.get(1);
A selection of items can be retrieved by providing an array with ids:
var items = dataset.get([1, 3, 4]); // retrieve items 1, 3, and 4
All items can be retrieved by simply calling get
specifying an id:
var items = dataset.get(); // retrieve all items
Items can be filtered on specific properties by providing a filter function. A filter function is executed for each of the items in the DataSet, and is called with the item as parameter. The function must return a boolean. All items for which the filter function returns true will be emitted.
// retrieve all items having a property group with value 2
var group2 = dataset.get({
filter: function (item) {
return ( == 2);
// retrieve all items having a property balance with a value above zero
var positiveBalance = dataset.get({
filter: function (item) {
return (item.balance > 0);
DataSet supports the following data types:
Name | Description | Examples |
Boolean | A JavaScript Boolean |
true false
Number | A JavaScript Number |
32 2.4
String | A JavaScript String |
"hello world" "2013-06-28"
Date | A JavaScript Date object |
new Date() new Date(2013, 5, 28) new Date(1372370400000)
Moment | A Moment object, created with moment.js |
moment() moment('2013-06-28')
ISODate | A string containing an ISO Date |
new Date().toISOString() "2013-06-27T22:00:00.000Z"
ASPDate | A string containing an ASP Date |
"/Date(1372370400000)/" "/Date(1198908717056-0700)/"
Id | Id type of items, JavaScript Number or String |
7 "7" "I'm an id!"